Amateur Sports Management Meets Web 2.0: TeamSnap

A new service from Portland based SparkPlug; TeamSnap brings amateur sports management to Web 2.0.

Anybody who has coached or managed a sports team knows how much work is involved. Managing team rosters, fees and event schedules is a time consuming chore. TeamSnap aims to simply the management of the various aspects of running any sort of team by providing an online destination, a CRM tool of sorts for amateur sports management.

It’s a well thought out and designed site. Built in is support for rosters, scheduling, player availability and payment tracking. Messaging includes a private forum and bulk email distribution lists. Photo sharing comes standard and for those who love their numbers, statistics can also be entered.

But let’s not forget the important things, like who brings the refreshments! They’ve got a section just for that as well.

The service is customizable, features can be turned off if not required and the interface can be skinned in team colors and a logo included.

It’s a substantial niche with few if any competitors. If you are a parent managing a kid’s team or managing something with grown-ups this could be a compelling service. TeamSnap is completely free during its beta stage, with a variety of affordable price plans (including a free version) available post beta.

If you’re not convinced, let Tom Cruise and Paris Hilton convince you otherwise.

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