Moto ROKR e6 Linux-Based Smartphone Gets Screen Time

We’ve told you about the forthcoming ROkR e6 Linux-based Moto smartphone before, and while it’s been months since it passed the FCC’s muster, we still haven’t seen it much. Today, though, we’ve got a little video of the beast in action, and it appears as if the specs we’d heard (2-Megapixel auto-focus camera, Bluetooth, QVGA touchscreen, etc) were on the mark.

It’s exiciting that Moto’s not using Windows Mobile for its smartphones but making its own Linux-based OS. Samsung is rumored to be doing the same thing, but hasn’t had the speed Moto’s enjoying. While we’d like to see anyone make an alternative to WinMo, the jury’s still out on if Linux is the answer.

That being said, if it’s done right, Linux can do anything. And if you like smartphones and you like Linux, you’ll like the video after the jump.

ROKR [Tech-e-blog]

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