Sponsor Break

We’d like to take a moment and thank our sponsors and readers that help us keep TechCrunch humming…

Voxbone – A VoIP carrier providing centralized access to local phone numbers and toll-free numbers around the world. They have their own network entirely devoted to voice traffic powered by Cisco routers and switches. With their network, you can allocate blocks of phone numbers to your customers, connect calls between VoIP and PSTN phone lines, share phone traffic capacity, and create your own solutions with their API. All for one fixed monthly fee.

Plazes – It’s what I would call geographic social networking. Plazes helps you friends see where you are and what you’re up to while on your computer or mobile phone. You can use it to keep in touch with friends and family or find new friends who are Plazes users that share the same location or interests. Plazes also connects you to the places you go to, letting you save pictures and media to the places you go.

Conduit – Personalized tool bars. Conduit lets publishers (or anyone, really) create specialized tool bars that provide all tools you and your community need. TechCrunch has it’s own tool bar (download here) that lets you search, keep you up to date on the feeds for the entire CrunchNetwork, and even listen to the latest TalkCrunch podcasts. If that’s not good enough for you, then build your own.

Pageflakes – Customized personal pages. Pageflakes lets you create your own personalized portal to the web. You can easily customize you page by selecting your interests or fine tune it by selecting from their wide array of widgets based off of their API. Recently, I’ve been using their backgammon flake. It’s simple to share the page with friends by making it public. No sign-in required.

– Classified listings and content had always come together in print because advertisers wanted their message to reach the publisher’s readers. Edgeio is letting advertisers get that same exposure on the web, syndicating listings through publishers that cater to the advertiser’s audience. TechCrunch’s own CrunchBoard is powered by Edgeio’s latest product, Edgeio Marketplaces, which lets publishers monetize their sites through listings advertised on their own site and Edgeio’s whole network.

Auction Ads – eBay is great, but Auction Ads helps you reach potential buyers in their day-to-day web surfing. Auction Ads lets you publicize your auctions or make money as a publisher in three simple steps.

Upcoming Conferences and Discounts:

May 1: The Stanford Accel Symposium at Stanford is offering TechCrunch readers a 15% discount off $395 tickets to The Future of Advertising in Digital Media. Register with discount code: “TechCrunch.”

June 7-8: The Future of Online Advertising Conference in New York has offered to give away 5 free tickets to TechCrunch readers. Email us to enter the drawing to win a ticket (valued at $995 each.) Emails must be received by midnight PST Friday May 4.

June 20-21: Supernova has extended a $200 registration discount to TechCrunch readers through May 11. Register using “crunch2e” for the two-day main conference or “crunch3e” for the full conference.

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