Take The Grill on the Road

I’m a barbecue geek. For me, there’s nothing better than cooking my own ginormous slabs of meat over a grill. And I do it in geek fashion, I don’t read any pesky recipes, I just figure it out as I go. I’ve also been known to hack a grill or two into top efficiency, as well as MacGuyver grills out of spare parts.

The briefcase BBQ grill is tempting, though. Transforming from a laptop-bag sized case, the bbq becomes a 1.5×1-foot grill, two feet off the ground. Add some coals and a NY strip, wait 22 minutes, and you’ve got lunch.

I love the idea of a barbecue I can keep in my car and take with my ass to parties. And at $50, it’s fairly competitively priced.

The BBQ That Thinks It’s a Briefcase! [Gadget Candy, via SciFi]

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