Lone, Crackpot Inventor Gets Big Military Contract for Helihovercraft

In the annals of sci-fi and, in fact, history, it’s the lone inventor, toiling away in his basement, who discovers amazing insights and is ignored, tragically, by the general public. Luckily, Geoff Hatton got the word out before aliens/zombies/ninjas could attack the President.

Hatton’s project, a hovercraft/helicopter platform that can fly at an almost unlimited height and offers full control over direction, is supported by a military grant and may end up in surveillance devices down the line. Hatton, 68, created his flying saucer after working on hovercrafts since the 1970s. After retiring, he filed a patent in 2005 and is now being courted by the feds.

The flying saucer snapped up by US army [DailyMail]

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