Panasonic Still Likes LCDs, Has 720p 26- and 32-inch LX70 Models On The Way

Less than a week after pimping its line of plasma TVs around New York, Panasonic goes ahead and pumps more life into its LCD line of HDTVs. Part of the LX70 series, these 26- and 32-inch HDTVs top out at 720p and have most of what you’d expect from an HDTV nowadays, like multiple HDMI inputs (here, two) and a built-in over-the-air antenna. If there’s one benefit to living in New York, it’s that there’s plenty of free HDTV signals just floating around waiting to be tuned into. Both models should hit Japan later this month, with the big guy costing around $1,700. We should see them here in the US and A later in the year.

I look at LCDs differently now. The way one of Panasonic’s engineers described it, LCD is sorta the inferior technology compared to plasma. Plasma’s main problem is that it’s still pricier than LCD at these sizes. Be that as it may, I’m sure they’ll make fine secondary sets for bedrooms and the like.

Product Page [Panasonic Japan via Electronista]

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