Golden Tee: Home Version with Trackball!

I hate the plug n’ play Wal*Mart style “video games”. But I really love the arcade game Golden Tee. It’s a little pricey, sure, but you get a lot of gameplay, and the way it approximates real golf is fairly true to the sport. (Yes, it’s a sport. Yes, I sweat while playing it. No, I’m not ashamed of that.) Because of my love for this game, I was thrilled — thrilled— to come across this home version, even though it’s in the form of one of those A/V cable-attached abortions.

There have been console versions before, but they were pale copies. The feeling of letting the trackball go at just the right angle with just the right backspin is blissfully physical, allowing you to interact with the course and the ball and your clubs in a way that just feels better. Replicating that on my big screen at home is going to rule.

The only thing that I might not like about this home version is I’m fairly certain that those two damned snarky commentators voices are included, with their bad observational puns intact. “Give him a shovel, he’s going to end up on the beach, Pat.” Up yours, pal, let’s see you get over here and do this.

Golden Tee Television Golf Game [Hammacher Schlemmer, via Red Ferret]

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