Upcoming: PMA and GDC, CTIA and CeBIT

The crack CrunchGear team is on the ground and headed all over the world to grab the latest and greatest for you, our kind readers. Blake is at the GDC and Josh is at PMA this week then we’ve got Blake and I at CTIA in sunny Orlando, Florida. Finally, we’ve got a stringer rocking CeBIT in sunny Germany where we expect big things out of the strudel industry.

That said, things might get a little hectic around here and — as evidenced by the above picture at some trade show I’ve since forgotten — angry. We’ll try to tone down our pain and focus more on the launches, but if someone posts an expletive-filled rant about moronic booth staffers or fat guys wearing fishing vests and hogging three network connections in the press room, I won’t stop them. Remember: CrunchGear — flying coach, eating bad food, and being trampled by freebie-hunting vendors… so you don’t have to.

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