Danger Room: A New Defense Blog, With Danger

Friend of the Crunch, Noah Shachtman, formerly of DefenseTech, just launched a new blog with Wired called Danger Room. Noah writes extensively on defense and military issues and promises his new blog will be pretty far out.

We’ll be talking about what’s next in law enforcement, homeland security, and the military here. Not just the gear — although you’ll get more than your fair share of killer drones, electronic weapons, and nuclear threats, don’t worry. We’ll look at new strategies, new thinking, and new tactics in national security, as well. And we’ll follow the personalities and politics surrounding these developments. Because within a military-industrial complex that chews up a trillion dollars a year, there are plenty of power struggles, both behind the scenes, and in front of the cameras.

Grab the RSS, people. You’ll want to know this stuff when the robot armies rise up against us.


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