HTC Debuts Three Windows Mobile Smartphones, Expands Range

HTC keeps cranking out smartphones faster than we can write about them, and today is no different, as there are three new Windows Mobile 5-powered devices on their way from HTC this quarter. The three devices are all quite different, as the OEM differentiates its product matrix.

To the left of the photograph above is the S710, a relative of the TyTN, with not just a slide-out QWERTY keypad, but also a touchscreen and T9, making this Windows Mobile 6 phone smart indeed. In addition to GSM for voice, the phone also give the option of communicating via EDGE, WiFi, or Bluetooth. No 3G here, sadly, though an upgraded version is sure to be on the horizon utilizing the same popular form-factor.

The middle handset is the Advantage, an upgraded version of the HTC Athena. This flagship smartphone really blurs the lines between traditional handheld devices and laptops, as it features an 8GB HD, and 8-hour battery, 5-inch VGA touchscreen, miniSD, and a 3-Megapixel camera. For connectivity, it supports HSDPA for 3G wireless, WiFi, and Bluetooth. A really neat feature is that it has internal motion sensors, which can be used to navigate applications one-handed. Neat.

The simplest of the models is the P3350 at the right, a keyboardless, touchscreen-enabled media device, which includes an FM tuner and exclusive media mixing software. In addition, the handset uses an 8-way trackball and scroll wheel blend for navigation, a unique combo HTC seems to like. MicroSD, Windows Media 5, and EDGE connectivity round this handy, inexpensive smartphone out. Packaged with Bluetooth headphones, it’s aimed squarely at first time buyers as a portable Media Center.

HTC has other phones debuting this week, but these three represent a good gamut of its product matrix, from consumer to total pro, and most (if not all) of them should find their way to our shores under the AT&T or T-Mobile monikers, some having both.

HTC launches 3 new smartphones in Europe [Telecom Paper]

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