Jigg That Music

iJigg is a new, easy-on-the-eyes music site that launched a couple of days ago – we first saw it on the TechCrunch Forums.

Think Digg for music, plus lots of Flash functionality. Songs are presented on the home page and can be “jigged” by members. Songs can also be embedded into web pages (I’ve done so with one of the popular songs below), commented on, etc. Songs are tagged for easy browsing, and there are most popular and recently posted areas as well.

As a music discovery service, it’s compelling. And the Digg way of having massive numbers of people vote on stuff to make the cream rise is a good way to sort stuff. Others are giving glowing reviews.

http://www.ijigg.com/jiggPlayer.swfBut it’s also subject to gaming, and iJigg has already, just a couple of days after launching, taken counter measures to stop that gaming. This will be a constant battle, as Digg has seen, to keep the spammers out and the quality in.

Another problem with iJigg is that they don’t provide any way to get your hands on the music. No downloads, and no links to buy the music. You can listen to it all day on the Flash player, and embed it on other sites, but you aren’t getting this on your iPod.

All this may limit adoption, and any friction could be fatal when ultimately these new indie-music startups are competing with MySpace Music, which has 7 million band profiles. In December 2006, MySpace music had 16.2 million unique visitors and 475 million page views. It will be hard to pull eyeballs away from MySpace.

And at the end of the day, I still like the Amie Street (our coverage here) model best for indie music. People can download songs without DRM. Songs start out free, and as more downloads occur the price starts to edge up. If a song gets above $0.50, its really popular. Anyone trying to game the system will be paying money to do so, which cuts down on fraud significantly. In my opinion, it’s a much purer voting system than the one iJigg has launched. And you can put the music on your iPod. I wouldn’t be surprised to see eMusic, the popular DRM-free music download site, adopt an Amie Street music model down the road. And perhaps others will too.

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