Crap Continues to Rain on Hold Your Wee for Wii Masterminds

while competing in a contest called “Hold Your Wee for Wii” at radio station KDND 107.9. The plot continues to thicken.

The entire 10 person staff of the morning show in question was terminated earlier this week. More interestingly, however, the local sheriff’s department has opened a criminal investigation of the case.

The contest required contestants to consume high volumes of water without peeing in order to win a Nintendo Wii. Strange, a 28 year old mother, was competing to win the system for her kiddies.

A nurse called in to the show to warn of the dangers of water intoxication and the DJs only cast jokes. CNN writes:

In an online recording of the show, the DJs can be heard making comments joking about people dying from water intoxication, even discussing a case in Northern California two years ago in which student Matthew Carrington, 21, died after drinking too much water during a fraternity stunt.

One of the DJs even admitted they maybe should have done some research before the contest.

One female caller, who identified herself as Eva, also phoned in to warn the radio station that drinking too much water can kill.

Pure brilliance.

Woman drinks so much water she dies

Sheriff investigates radio contest death

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