One Terabyte Hard Drives Arrive from Hitachi

If you’re like us, you download tons and tons of dirty, dirty porn completely legal music and videos. You, then, probably run into the same problem we do: where do you store all this data?

The answer comes from Hitachi in the guise of the world’s first terabyte hard drive. Rather, make that hard drives, as the Hitch is dropping two versions of the 7K1000, the Deskstar, ideal for gaming or high-end PCs or general use, and the CinemaStar, a quieter version with better error correcting for home cinema/media center/DVR applications.

Look for us to cover these drives next week at CES. And if you’re already lusting over them, don’t worry: they’re set to hit retail this quarter, and at the low low cost of $399. Now go ahead and finish your download, friend, you’ve got plenty of room coming.

Hitachi Heralds 1TB HDs [PC Mag]

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