Amazon Wii and PS3 Lottery Results

Last night I checked the odds that I’d be able to purchase a Wii—28 to 1. I had thought that was a pretty solid chance. Odds like that are hard to come by in any lottery system. So I logged into Amazon this morning and was greeted by the screen above.

Luck was on my side. I was going to get a Wii. I had all my accessories planned out; all the games I’d get. Envisioned playing it Christmas day. It was great. So I clicked “Check Now.”

Woe! I wasn’t a winner. I should have known. I never win anything. Even stuff I have to pay for.

Anyway, I’m just wondering if any of you were winners? It sucks I lost, but I still want to give props to Amazon. This was a good method of sale and I appreciate the effort.


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