BodyGard: 5-in-1 Paranoia in Your Pocket

where Michael Douglas’s character is stuck in a taxi that has driven off a pier and is submerged underwater. As it quickly fills with water, he remembers a window knob someone had given him earlier, which he uses to crank a window open and escape.

While carrying a window knob around is a wee bit impractical, the BodyGard fits in your pocket. The key fob is designed to remedy the underwater-car situation handily, among others. Besides being a compact car-window-breaker, the BodyGard employs a high-carbon steel seatbelt cutter, high-decibel alarm, bright flashing LED, and a flashlight.

That, again, is “convergence,” friends. If your loved one is at all utilitarian-minded or just plain paranoid, this gift is a perfect stocking stuffer at only $15.

BodyGard 5-in-1 Emergency Tool [ThinkGeek]

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