A web 2 take on new media?

Vitamin reports that UK-based Idiomag is due for launch. Styled as a personal online magazine which combines ‘glossy RSS’ with tagging, weighting and rating, TechChrunch US reported recently, Idiomag is Angel funded. It’s good to see this kind of approach to media which combines social media with more traditional publishing.

idiomag plans to accept content “via direct input through the content providers administration section and via RSS.” Digital design and music will be the first focus, but the magazine plans to aggregate licensed content from other publishers delivering “an individually personalized magazine to each user”.

Perhaps this is not so heard these days, but what’s different is that this tagged content will be presented via Flash which means microsites and rich-media ads are possible. The business model is to share ad revenue with content providers. Thus Idio provides a user-friendly face to RSS content which monetises RSS more efficiently for the publisher than banners inside feeds.
I can’t say I haven’t seen a Flash magazine before, but it’s interesting to see an independent publisher putting a Flash filter on onto a social media tagging approach.

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