Veeker: An Embedded Player for Mobile Video

Oliver at MobileCrunch has posted an exclusive first look at the newly launched mobile video site Veeker. The service catches mobile video clips sent by MMS then delivers them to contacts, public and personal pages. A series of short clips can be subscribed to by RSS and feeds of clips can be played automatically in an embedded player on another site. In other words, I record video from my phone, send it through Veeker and it appears in a player on my website. YouTube does support incoming video from phones, but there’s quite a few steps that would need to be taken to reproduce the kind of functionality that Veeker promises.

Critics contend that mass market extensive use of mobile video is unlikely. Obviously Veeker is a company betting otherwise. I won’t comment on the long term likelihood of widespread mobile video creation, but I will say that I am impressed by this company’s aims.

Oliver goes into much greater detail about the service and the executive team is particularly significant. At least two (Roger Raderman and Alex Kelly) are guys whose previous companies have been acquired for large sums. I can’t help but compare Veeker to sites like Twitter or Dodgeball, but Oliver is thinking bigger. He’s of the belief that there are business uses of the technology. I think that with just a little imagination, a service like this could make a lot of things possible. Quite simply, Veeker makes it easy to incorporate near real-time video as one part of a whole website. Check it out over at MobileCrunch.

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