Verizon Wireless G'zOne Type-V Likes It Rough

Now this looks like some good competition for Sprint Nextel/Motorola. Verizon Wireless’ G’zOne Type-V, the product of a partnership with IP-based, end-to-end networking solutions vendor UTStarcom, combines Verizon’s typical consumer offerings (2-megapixel camera, V-Cast support, VZ Navigator, mobile Web and full messaging options) in a ruggedized clam-shell phone that meets “multiple Military Standards including exposure to temperatures in excess of 140 degrees F, extreme vibration, solar radiation, conditions set to simulate storm conditions of two inches of rainfall per hour with high winds and submersion in one meter of water.” But thankfully it doesn’t look too bulky; the dimensions are 4.1 x 2.0 x 1.1 inches (HWD).

What does seem to be missing from the phone is push-to-talk service, which is a shame since this phone looks slightly more stylish than other rugged offerings and certainly has the features to take you from job site to home use. Also, how the hell do you pronounce this thing? Gizz One? G-Zone? Geez One?

No matter how it’s pronounced it’ll be available online tomorrow on Verizon Wireless’ site for $299.99 with a new two-year customer agreement.

Verizon Wireless to Launch Shock And Water Resistant Verizon Wireless G’zOne Type-V Rugged Phone [Press release]

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