Logitech Acquires Slim Devices, Won't Stop the Music

Logitech sure thinks this networked audio thing is a trend that will take off, given its recent acquisition of Slim Devices, which would be a great name for a geeky card shark, but is also a network music player company that emphasizes audio quality over pesky things like price.

That being said, Slim Devices has quite the reputation for quality, being the manufacturer of the popular Squeezbox. Logitech, who is already in the local streaming audio market, thinks they’re a natural match. This is an aggressive bid to be sure and a mark that the marketplace for these players isn’t just a flash in the pan.

But don’t worry, fans, Slim Devices is going to remain mostly autonomous, that’s the word in the forums, anyway. Logitech seems to find the idea of watering down high-end devices unappealing, which is the right road to take. It proved that when it acquired Harmony’s multi-function remote controls awhile back.

Press Release [Slim Devices Dot Com]

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