Ideazon Adds Gaming Mouse, Pad To Lineup, Asks You Not to Fear The Reaper

The company that makes those funky game-centric keyboards, Ideazon, is launching a couple new game products this week: The Reaper gaming mouse and FragMat gaming surface. The features you’ll find on the Reaper are similar to those on other gaming rodentia:

However, Ideazon is keeping its price pretty low at just $40. The FragMat gaming surface (read: mousepad) is inexpensive too, at $15. The pad, at only .07 of an inch thick, is made from a reduced-friction polymer, ensuring fast, smooth movement and it’s oversized (11.81×9.44 inches) “allowing for wider strokes.” (Always a good thing.) A rubber-coated bottom keeps it in place too, during your most vigorous gaming sessions. Both will be available in November and are being previewed at this week’s Digital Life show in NY.

Ideazon [Company Site]

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