MobileWeb 2.0 event(s) in London & San Francisco

The Etech Conference (2007) is once again shortly upon us. It begins March 26th and goes on for 3 days until 29th March, 2007.

This year it will be at the Manchester Grand Hyatt in San Diego, California. If you think you have a cool technology worth showcasing, then why not submit your proposal. The submission deadline for all proposals is October 9, 2006. Speakers will be notified by October 30, 2006. Final session details, speaker bios, and tutorial materials are due by February 16, 2007.

“For the last two years, ETech has reached capacity. However, we anticipate that we’ll sell every seat before ETech 2007 begins, so if you’d like to attend, we recommend that you sign up early. Registration will open in December 2006.”

Of course this is not the only O’Reilly conference worth attending. There is the “third annual” Web 2.0 conference in San Francisco. Sadly if you haven’t already registered and got a place it’s now sold out but the speaker roster read’s like the who’s who of the web (2.0) right now. Sadly, yet unsurprisingly, there is only one “Brit?” on the speaker list, that is Index Ventures very own Danny Rimer. The other glaring omission is the lack of a Mobile Web theme for the conference!?

Luckily Daniel Appelquist, guest contributor here on TechCrunch UK, has decided to hold a Mobile 2.0 conference the day before (in collaboration with Mike Rowehl).

Equally if you cannot make the trip over to San Francisco fear not.

There is a Mobile Web 2.0 event here in London which is organised by Tony Fish on 3rd October , starting at 2pm, in the Olswang offices 90, High Holborn, London WC1V 6XX. This event should be very interesting because Tony recently co-authored the book Mobile Web 2.0 which is worth reading to set the scene for this discussion. If you would like to attend please register here

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