Mercora M Streams CD-Quality Music To Your Windows Mobile 5 Phones

The upcoming M service from Mercora will do you one better than the mythical iPhone. It will let you access your entire music library on the fly no matter where you are – as long as you have phone reception. The program installs on your WM5 phone and connects to your home computer, which then streams tunes over your mobile data to your phone.

Additional features are the ability to listen to 5 friends and family’s music collections, 100,000 dynamic radio channels by artist or genre, and Stereo Bluetooth Support. It costs $4.99 a month, or $29.99 for six months and $49.99 for a year. Best of all, it’s free until October 31, so you can test it out for yourself. Sounds great to us, as long as you have adequate reception wherever you go.

ProductPage [Mercora via JK On The Run]

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