Gameloft Presents Lumines Mobile

Mobile gaming company Gameloft, developer of Paris Hilton’s Diamond Quest, has recently released Lumines Mobile for all who love puzzle games. Lumines was awarded game of the year for the PSP by many video game websites and magainzes, including Gamespot. Being a gamer, I had to try Lumines Mobile out for myself. The mobile version isn’t too different from the PSP version gameplay wise, but the graphics (obviously) have taken a step down, the very sleek Lumines world is very dulled down. Everything else is as you’d except – the concepts are the same, the sound is great, the cell phone buttons work perfectly and you’ve got just as many features on the mobile version as you did with the PSP version. Along with Lumines Mobile, they’ve also got Splinter Cell DA, The OC, BIA: Earned in Blood, and Asphalt2 3D. Nothing too fancy here, but you can’t expect to be blown away after playing Lumines.

Gameloft [official website]

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