Is The Treo In Trouble?

How can Palm’s Treo, the device that’s getting lots of play in blogs, be in trouble? Well, Palm just warned that first quarter fiscal sales are going to be lower than expected, despite putting out the Sprint 700wx, and the various GSM Treos in Europe. Surprising? Well, not to Om Malik, who found on anecdotal evidence that many of his friends are dropping the Treos in favor of BlackBerries and other devices.

Compared to say, the Motorola Q, the Treo is bulkier and equal in functionality. Corporate users seem to like the push email of BlackBerries more as well. So why would someone prefer the Treo over other phones?

Readers, how do you like your Treo? Are you waiting eagerly for the next generation 750/800, or are you biding the time until your plan runs out so you can switch to another device?

Treo In Trouble? [GigaOm]

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