New Samsung SCH-B590 is World's Skinniest DMB Phone

Samsung unveiled their new SCH-B590 model today, and it looks great–y’know, if you’re into the whole “slimmer is sexier” thing. The phone boasts DMB, a 1.3MP camera and an MP3 player, so that the Koreans can keep playing with all the stuff we know exists but can only dream about one day getting our hands on.

This thing claims to be the “thinnest DMB phone on the market” at only 16.5mm and you can’t have one unless you know a guy who knows a guy. Even then, you’d have a DMB phone in the States with nothing to actually watch on it. So–have fun with that.

Samsung Reveals SCH-B590 to the World, World’s Thinnest DMB-Capabale Cellphone?[Gizmodo]

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