TechCrunch Gets Chumy with Chumby

TechCrunch got a chance this weekend to check out the Chumby, a device that is certain to make a huge impact next year. It is notable because of its complete hackability. What one does with it is essentially limited only be one’s imagination. Users can program this small handheld device to perform pretty much any desired function.

It features a 266Mhz ARM controller, 32MB SDRAM, a 320 x 240 3.5″ touchscreen display, WiFi, two speakers, audio in/out and a USB port. It can be controlled via the touchscreen or squeeze sensors on the casing. The internals can be easily removed from its housing and fit into another shell. It is expected to be available in March 2007 for an MSRP of $150. Developers can visit Chumby now and request a sample unit.

Chumby Devices Handed Out at Foo
Announcing the Birth of Chumby [Christine]
Story of Chumby [Chumby]

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