Web Call centre solution Sky-Click opens today

Switzerland based SKY-click is releasing today its light-weight 100% web based call centre. Since our first review about 800 companies registered to their alpha version but now SKY-click is launching at full speed.

SKY-Click is a 100% web-based and easy to use call centre solution based on Skype. Implementation and usage is simple and quick. SKY-click enables free PC to PC and cheap PC-to-Phone communication between a company and its customers. It allows the seamless integration between a company’s website, its customers and its call centre.

When a customer surfs a company’s website he has the possibility to press a “Click to Call” button that initiates a call or video call with the company’s call centre or the relevant expert. One of the most interesting elements of SKY-click is its simplicity and ease of use. The service can be set-up online for instant and free testing and does not require any additional hard- or software investments. It all runs on a company’s existing infrastructure of computers with free Skype installed. All you have to do to use the SKY-click call centre is to download the SKY-click Agent Console to your agents’ computer. The administration is all done on a web-based interface which makes SKY-click probably the first virtualized call centre solution.

The service comes with a lot of interesting features that you should expect from a professional call centre solution: agent management (time, languages, products/services…), call queuing, dispatching & forwarding, missed Call solution, reporting & feedback and many more. The solution features a standard Salesforce.com integration that makes its CRM use seamless: The call centre agent can see the customer history, edit or create a new account. Contrary to traditional call centres SKY-click allows agents to see what his client is looking for on the company’s website and he can even visualise the page the customer clicked on to call. This solution will probably be welcome by many e-commerce websites but also online services company searching for better ways to interact with their audience.

In any case calls are free for customers calling in. Their solution is also cheaper than any other available solution on the market and is characterized by transparent and simple pricing: 10 USD/ months / agent (promotional price for the launch). A special access has been reserved for TechCrunch readers. If you enter “techcrunch” in the registration form will get an extended 3 months free.

More on Sky-Click’s blog

disclaimer:Sky-Click is a sponsor of TechCrunch French edition

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