Check for bookmarks with SocialMeter

SocialMeter is a handy tool for checking to see how many people have tagged an URL in any of a number of social bookmarking services, including Digg and It was created by Brian Holt, of San Diego. More a project than a product, I write about it here mostly because it’s interesting and useful.

Steve Rubel says it’s “handy not just for blogs, but for brand and corporate sites too.” 3spots, who writes a great blog by the way, created the bookmarklet on the SocialMeter page. I ported that bookmarklet into the metabookmarklet system Blummy (search for socialmeter).

The Digg search could be especially useful as a quick way to prevent duplicate submissions, though Digg search is difficult so I wouldn’t depend on it. It would be great if there was an RSS feed available. I may try to create one using Dapper, another service I profiled here last week.

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