MySpace, The 27.4 Billion Pound Gorilla

It’s worth noting the massive increase in users and traffic at MySpace over the last few months. Paul Kedrosky summarized the key October 2005 MySpace metrics from a BusinessWeek article late last year. Those stats, along with more recent April Comscore and internal Myspace data, are summarized below.

MySpace has 75 million users (see somewhat dated comparison stats here), 15 million daily unique logins, is growing by a massive 240,000 new users per day, and is generating nearly 30 billion monthly page views (that’s 10,593 page views per second). The number of page views generated by each unique visitor is stunning – clearly these users are very, very passionate about the site, and it’s unclear if they do much else on the web besides hang out on MySpace.

MySpace hasn’t overtaken Yahoo yet in terms of page views (see UBS Comscore Analysis PDF here), but they are a solid second and are ahead of giants like MSN-Microsoft, Time Warner (including AOL), eBay, Google and Facebook.

MySpace also has the sixth largest market share among search engines, even though they aren’t, actually, a search engine.

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