Get Voicemail In Your Email Inbox: GotVoice

It doesn’t have a fancy design or well throught through navigation. I can’t find a single use of Ajax or javascript on the site (although there is some use of Flash). And that’s ok, because GotVoice does something I love – it converts voicemails from my home and cell phone into MP3s and sends them to me by email.

This is something I’ve gotten quite used to with Vonage (voicemails are sent as MP3s to my email), but I don’t have the same option from my cell phone carrier. GotVoice solved the problem for me. Setup took a few minutes (you have to give GotVoice your voicemail credentials) and then it just worked. Voicemails are now sent to my inbox as MP3 files (and saved in my voicemail system).

The basic GotVoice service is free, and they announced two premium services last week. The Plus service, which is $5 per month, allows more scheduled voicemail checks per day. The Premium service, which is $10 per month, has yet more checks, and also provides you with a RSS feed with voicemails included as enclosures. While I love the idea of having a RSS feed for the voicemails, it doesn’t justify paying $10 per month. The basic free service is more than adequate for me.

If you want your voicemail in the same inbox with your email, GotVoice is an excellent choice. This isn’t as fancy as Spinvox, which converts voicemails to text, but it does save me the hassle of checking voicemail multiple times per day. Note that it only works in the U.S.

Note: There are a number of unanswered questions about the service which are either not discussed on the site or have conflicting FAQs. The comments below go into this somewhat. I’ll post clarifications once I hear from the company.

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