Re-Launches with Major Feature Changes, a recently launched news aggregator, is re-launching on Monday with a number of feature additions and enhancements. I am calling this a “re-launch” because the changes are significant and affect the core platform of the site.

The most significant change is that Inform is no longer operating within a “pop-up”, a process that allowed them to use Ajax functionality but avoid some of the drawbacks like lack of a “back button” feature. Inform now operates cleanly, without popups, in both Internet Explorer and Firefox. This change alone makes Inform a much more interesting and useful service.

Other significant changes include the addition of audio and video content to the site, a subject filter that offers related content and which works quite well, and the addition of RSS feeds for search results. Finally, the “top channels” tab now allows drill down into sub-topics, which were not available before.

Overall, Inform is an excellent resource and continues to improve dramatically. They have not yet added a feature to allow users to add non-included news source RSS feeds, but that is on the roadmap and will be released soon.

My previous profiles of Inform are here and here.

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