Memeorandum Hype and New Feature

Memeorandum continues to be our news site of choice, and it is starting to get real traction outside of the core blogosphere as well.

Ryan Singel at Wired posted an in depth review of Gabe Rivera’s Memeorandum this morning.

Gabe Rivera, the 32-year-old programmer who quit his job at Intel to found the site, says he built Memeorandum thinking of the “live web as an editor.”

“If you read blogs, you know that there is this conversation and that some articles are the talk of the day, and other posts have important things to say about those,” Rivera said. “If you built graphs in your mind of what the talk looks like, I think it looks like what I’ve done. I get the sense (Memeorandum) is just a natural representation of what is already going on.”

Rivera hopes the site will appeal to more than just the überconnected, and could be useful as an entry point for those unfamiliar with blogs. To that end, the site’s design, which features large headlines and stories in declining order of importance, mimics that of an online newspaper.

“The best way for someone to get into (the) blogs thing is to find a blog that is tracking an issue important to you, because someone new to it can understand the headline and then go read the blog. I think my site works pretty well that way,” Rivera said. “My dad started using my site … a couple weeks later he spotted something he was interested in and now he knows all these bloggers.”

Congrats Gabe on the Wired article and the mainstread traffic it will send to Memeorandum. As I’ve said, Memeorandum is exceptional, and it is changing the web.

The Memeorandum News Widget

Memeorandum also just released a new feature – a great widget that bloggers and webmasters can include on their site showing the most recent tech.memeorandum headlines. We’ve included the widget on TechCrunch, in the left sidebar. It’s another great way to stay on top of the news!

Check out the blogging conversations on the topic at Memeorandum.

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