Ello, Apple’s Problems And Startups


Recorded on September 26, 2014.
Alex Wilhelm, Kyle Russell and Felicia Williams talk about the week’s biggest news.

More TechCrunch

Recorded on September 18, 2015. Matthew Lynley, Drew Olanoff, and Megan Rose Dickey talk about the week’s biggest tech news.

Apple iOS 9, Facebook’s Empathy Button, Snapchat’s Replays | CrunchWeek

Recorded on September 11, 2015. Alex Wilhelm, Megan Rose Dickey, and Lucas Matney talk about the week’s big news in tech

Slack’s Diversity Report, Diversity At Apple, Apple Event | CrunchWeek

Recorded on September 4, 2015. Megan Dickey, Matthew Lynley, and Drew Olanoff talk about the week’s biggest tech news.

Uber In Court, Anti-Poaching Lawsuit, Upcoming Apple Event | CrunchWeek

Recorded on August 28, 2015. Alex Wilhelm, Matthew Lynley, and Josh Constine discuss the week’s biggest tech news.

Tech Stock Meltdown, Facebook’s M, and YouTube Gaming | CrunchWeek

Recorded on August 21, 2015. Megan Dickey, Sarah Lane & Alex Wilhelm talk about the big tech news of the week

Ashley Madison Data Dump, Amazon Sweatshop & Uber IPO? | CrunchWeek

Recorded on August 14, 2015. Google becomes Alphabet, Samsung releases the Note5 and Galaxy S6 Edge+ smartphones, and the Tinder tweetstorm. TechCrunch reporters Matthew Lynley,…

Google Now Alphabet, Samsung’s New Phones, and Tinder | CrunchWeek

Recorded on August 7, 2015. Megan Rose Dickey, Matthew Lynley & Alex Wilhelm talk about the big tech news of the week

Earnings Mayham, Twitter’s All Time Low & VR Gets Weird | CrunchWeek

Recorded on July 31, 2015. Matthew Lynley, Megan Rose Dickey and Drew Olanoff chat about the week’s biggest news.

Twitter Soap Opera, Uber Valuation, and Ouya Gets Bought | CrunchWeek

Recorded on July 24, 2015. Sarah Buhr, Alex Wilhelm, and Matthew Lynley talk about the big news in tech this week.

Jet Takes On Amazon, Tech’s Big Earnings, Uber Beats NYC | CrunchWeek

Recorded on July 17, 2015. Sarah Lane, Alex Wilhelm, and Drew Olanoff talk about the big news in tech this week.

Tech’s Big Earnings, Reddit Drama, Homejoy Closes Its Doors | CrunchWeek

Recorded on July 10, 2015. Alex Wilhelm, Matthew Lynley, & Drew Olanoff talk about the big news in tech this week.

Microsoft Layoffs, Facebook Revamps Newsfeed, Reddit Screws Up | CrunchWeek

Recorded on June 19, 2015. Alex Wilhelm, Sarah Buhr & Kyle Russell talk about the big weekly tech news

Microsoft Fires Execs, Fitbit IPO, E3 | CrunchWeek

Recorded on June 26, 2015. Sarah Buhr, Alex Wilhelm & Lucas Matney talk about the big tech news of the week

Taylor Swift and Apple, Verizon Buys Aol, and NSA Leaks | CrunchWeek

Recorded on June 5, 2015. Colleen Taylor, John Biggs, and Sarah Buhr discuss Facebook Lite, Pinterest Shopping Pins, and authenticating with brain waves.

Facebook Lite, Pinterest Shopping, Brain Wave Authentication | CrunchWeek

Recorded on May 22, 2015. Pebbles Smartwatch Cash Crunch, Stripe’s Massive Valuation, and NSA Reform Hits a Snag in the Senate.

Pebbles Cash Crunch, Stripe’s Valuation, and NSA Reform | CrunchWeek

Path Sold, Google I/O, And Apple Car

Recorded on May 29, 2015. Kyle Russell, Sarah Buhr and Matthew Lynley talk about this week’s biggest news.

Path Sold, Google I/O, And Apple Car

Recorded on May 15, 2015. Reddit’s new anti-harassment policies, Facebook’s publishing efforts and, of course, Verizon buying TechCrunch’s parent company, AOL.

Reddit Goes Nice, Facebook Publishing Push, And Verizon Buys AOL

Recorded on July 2, 2015. Alex Wilhelm, Sarah Buhr, and Matthew Lynley discuss the week’s big tech news.

Apple Music, Uber’s Engineering Push, Shyp Couriers | CrunchWeek

Recorded on June 12, 2015. Colleen Taylor, Darrell Etherington, and Matthew Lynley discuss Apple’s WWDC, Oculus VR Consumer Rift, and the resignation of Twitter’s CEO…

Apple’s WWDC, Oculus Consumer Rift, Twitter’s CEO Resigns | CrunchWeek

CrunchWeek from Disrupt NY 2015

Recorded on May 6, 2015. Alex Wilhelm, Ingrid Lunden, and Jon Shieber gather on the Startup Alley stage to talk about the wild valuations going…

CrunchWeek from Disrupt NY 2015

Recorded on December 5, 2014. Kyle Russell, Sarah Buhr and Alex Wilhelm talk about the week’s biggest news.

Uber’s Raise, IPO Market Cooling And Spotify’s Year In Review

Recorded on August 8, 2014. Ryan Lawler, Colleen Taylor & Alex Wilhem talk about the big tech news of the week

Lyft Launches New Rideshare, Twitch Users Revolt, The New Foursquare

Recorded on April 10, 2015. Sarah Lane, Sarah Buhr & Alex Wilhelm talk about the big tech news of the week

Apple Watch on Pre-Order, New Zynga CEO & HBO Now

Recorded on November 16, 2012. Colleen Taylor, Leena Rao, and Alexia Tsotsis talk about the week’s biggest news stories, including Facebook stock, Uber, and the…

Crunch Week: Facebook Stock, Uber, and NextTech

Recorded on May 1, 2015. Anthony Ha, Colleen Taylor and Alex Wilhelm talk about the week’s biggest news.

Secret Goes Under, Tech Stocks Go Down And Microsoft Goes Viral

Recorded on February 8, 2013. Leena Rao, Colleen Taylor, and Anthony Ha discuss the week’s top news stories.

CrunchWeek: Bluefin, Mailbox App, and Aol Acquires GDGT

Recorded on December 7, 2012. Instagram moves to cropped images on Twitter, there’s a new car service class in DC for digital dispatch services like…

Crunchweek: Instagram & Twitter, Uber, and TechForward Vs Best Buy

Recorded on February 1, 2013. Leena Rao, Collen Taylor, and Jordan Crook discuss the week’s biggest tech stories.

CrunchWeek: Blackberry, Facebook Earnings, and the Crunchies

Recorded on February 15, 2013. Colleen Taylor Ryan Lawler and Drew Olanoff discuss the Tech news of the week

CrunchWeek: Blackjet Launches, EA and Zynga Settle, Everyone Harlem Shakes

Recorded on January 25, 2013. Leena Rao, Anthony Ha, and Colleen Taylor discuss the week’s top news stories.

CrunchWeek: Apple Earnings, Vine, and Quora’s Blogging Tool