pc accessory


Seagate 1TB Hard Drive Coming Soon

5:05 pm PST • January 4, 2007

Seagate has been pumping out its 750GB hard drives since April 2006. Well apparently the company had enough of all the “when’s there gonna be a one-terabyte drive?” questions and…


The Tornado Moves Files So You Don't Have To

2:13 pm PST • January 3, 2007

. For the low low, one-time cost of $60, the Tornado lets you transfer files between Windows-based computers via a USB connection. One end goes in one system, the other…

This slipped by me earlier in the month, but it’s a pretty cool little drive of special interest to shutterbugs. It’s an upcoming storage device developed in a partnership between…


MyLugger: Stuff Your Desktop In A Sack

6:57 pm PST • December 20, 2006

<img src="https://techcrunch.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/01/Mac Pros and LCDs, I totally can. Or you can. The bags are made from durable, water-resistant 1000 Denier cordura with heavy foam padding and a plastic shield between…

Creative takes away the need for drivers with the 1.3-megapixel Live! Cam Optia. Connect it to a USB port and your freakin’ done, ready to start beaming your face all…


Belkin Cable-Free Hub: My Your Dongle Is Huge

4:52 pm PST • December 5, 2006

Engadget got its hands on the wireless fun that is the Belkin Cable-Free USB Hub and did a tight little testing summary. And sadly, while yesterday I was pretty psyched…

Those crappy little 90mm fans cooling your desktop just aren’t cutting it? Antec’s Nine Hundred “ultimate gamer case” sports three, 120mm fans with mounts for more, and a 200mm top-mounted…

Though I won’t believe it until it’s sitting in front of me on my desk (I’ve seen prototypes of it for a long time now), Belkin has announced that its…

Using just liquid to chill your CPU is so Q1 2006. If you want to be current with your cooling, you’ll need to switch to something using thermoelectrics, like the…

See how happy this girl is? It’s because she used ADS Tech’s Instant Video To-Go to transfer video from her Windows PC to her portable video player, such as an…