Welcome to the new CrunchGear


As you’ve probably noticed, CrunchGear got a makeover for Xmas. Gone is the sickly yellorange color scheme, and we’ve made some changes to how things are organized as well; things should be much easier to find throughout the whole site.

You’ll also notice that comments are now threaded, so no more of this “@ asshat” stuff we’ve been doing the last year. In addition, you can rate comments and, if you so choose, view only those above a certain threshold that you decide. There’s a “profile” button next to each commenter’s name, you can see what else they’ve been up to.

You’ll also notice a new home for BFF, CruncGear’s reader’s site, on the right hand side. That’s for you, use it.

There’s a lot more as well, but you’ll have to poke around and find it yourself. We’ve redone it with you in mind, so feel free to use the comments on this post to let us know what you like, don’t like, hate, love, whatever. The rest of the TechCrunch network will be getting a similar treatment in the next few weeks, so whatever you’d like to see, this is your chance to give us your input.

Big shout out to ACS for the design work, to Alex King from Crowd Favorite for the development assistance, and Media Temple for dealing with us as we upgraded.

We’ve got a little before-and-after action for you after the jump.
