
Google says geofence warrants make up one-quarter of all US demands

For the first time, Google has published the number of geofence warrants it’s historically received from U.S. authorities, providing a rare glimpse into how frequently these controversial warran

US border agents assert ‘broad unconstitutional’ power to search citizens’ devices

U.S. border officials are asserting “broad, unconstitutional authority” to conduct warrantless searches of travelers’ phones, tablets and laptops, according to a new court filing. Th

DreamHost is fighting DoJ request for 1.3M IP addresses of visitors to anti-Trump protest site

Web hosting service DreamHost is fighting a Department of Justice demand to scoop up all the IP addresses of visitors to an anti-Trump website. The website in question, disruptj20.org, organized par

ACLU moves to join Microsoft lawsuit against Justice Department

The American Civil Liberties Union wants to help Microsoft challenge government gag orders that prevent it from telling its customers when it receives warrants for their information. Microsoft sued th

Cell Phone Search Requires A Warrant, Supreme Court Rules

In a unanimous decision, the Supreme Court ruled this morning that police need warrants to search cellphones of people they arrest. Before this ruling, police can search a person under arrest and t

Verizon Is Going To Jail

Shame on you Verizon. First you run out on your wife, then get into a bitter battle over alimony. Now the telecom giant is going to jail for failure to appear in court. Some guy named “Poodleman