Oral B

Oral-B’s iO smart toothbrush is a big upgrade in just about every way

It can be easy to mock the very concept of a “smart toothbrush” — what other device in our lives do we use daily that seems least in need of a connected upgrade? But Oral-B has been

Oral-B’s Bluetooth Toothbrush Offers App Features It Doesn’t Necessarily Need

I once posted a lament sparked by the availability of Bluetooth smart toothbrushes, so of course it was only logical for me to review Oral B’s new Bluetooth 4.0-enabled smart toothbrush. The upg

Oral-B Triumph With SmartGuide Wirelessly Guides Your Smile

Feeling like your bathroom needs a wireless upgrade? The new Oral-B Triumph with SmartGuide features a sink-top LCD display that wirelessly guides your brushing. It clocks you to make sure you are mov

Oral B Takes Umbrage at Suggestion that Toothbrushes Can Make You Happy

LoveHoney is a UK company that sells odd little self-pleasuring devices. For example, they sell something called the Brush Bunny that can fit on top of an electric toothbrush and turns said toothbrush