Facebook Likes

This browser extension unhides Instagram Likes

Instagram is hiding Like counts to make people feel better. But what if you’re curious, competitive or just petty? Now you can re-embrace the popularity contest by installing the Socialinsider C

Facebook tries hiding Like counts to fight envy

If their post has lots of Likes, you feel jealous. If your post doesn’t get enough Likes, you feel embarrassed. And when you just chase Likes, you distort your life seeking moments that score th

Blekko Goes Social, Now Lets You Search Sites Your Friends Have 'Liked' On Facebook

<img src="http://tctechcrunch.files.wordpress.com/2010/12/screen-shot-2010-12-15-at-3-34-03-pm.png" />As of today search engine <a href="http://www.blekko.com">Blekko </a>has made search a little bit