John Hauer

John Hauer Contributor John Hauer is the CEO of More posts by this contributor The diagnosis and the cure of automation Inventors, Entrepreneurs And The Space In Between

John Hauer is the CEO of

The Latest from John Hauer

The diagnosis and the cure of automation

I was challenged recently to “name one job in the future that won’t be automated.” I was stumped. I couldn’t think of one job that someday won’t be dehumanized. That got me thinking about th

The funny things happening on the way to singularity

People often ask me about the impact of 3D printing on jobs. Will the technology be a job creator or destroyer? The short answer is, it will take more jobs than it makes -- and 3D printing is not alon

Inventors, Entrepreneurs And The Space In Between

Got a hot idea for a new product? You’re not alone. However, hard data on exactly how many products are introduced each year is surprisingly sparse. Go ahead, give it a search. So far, the best s