We’ve updated The TechCrunch List with 116 new VCs ready to write first and lead checks into startups

Image Credits: Nigel Sussman

Update July 2021: The TechCrunch List has been officially retired.

We asked, and you have delivered.

We first launched The TechCrunch List two weeks ago to help founders find VCs who are ready to write first and lead checks into 22 specific market verticals like enterprise applications or digital biotech. We based that initial list of 391 investors on direct recommendations from more than 1,200 founders, who often supplied a great level of detail about the investors who helped them on their journeys to build their startups.

I’m pleased to report that since that initial launch, we have had an avalanche of recommendations and emails flow into TechCrunch, and we are ready to unveil a full update to The TechCrunch List.

Now using more than 2,600 founder recommendations — more than double our original dataset — we have underscored a number of the existing investors on our list as well as added 116 new investors who have been endorsed by founders as investors willing to cut against the grain and write those critical first checks and lead venture rounds.

I’m pleased to report that we are starting to get a trickle of investors flowing in from outside the United States, particularly in Europe. That said, we still need more founder recommendations from Europe, LatAm, Africa and Asia to round out the list. If you are a founder from these regions, you are particularly encouraged to help us identify the intrepid investors that are leading these ecosystems.

If you are a founder and haven’t submitted your recommendation yet, please fill out our very brief survey.

If you have questions about The TechCrunch List, we have put together a Frequently Asked Questions page that describes the qualifications and logistics, some of the logic behind the List and how to get in touch with us.

Thank you to every founder who has helped us — our hope is that The TechCrunch List will be an up-to-date compendium of the best and most ambitious investors worldwide and a key tool in the chest for founders launching their fundraises.

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