Someone recreated The Office’s Dunder Mifflin in explorable 3D and I love it

The Office is one of two shows that we have on near-constant rotation in our house — at this point, our Netflix subscription is more of a subscription to The Office that happens to come with some other stuff.

It won’t sound too weird, then, when I say that trying to mentally recreate the layout of Dunder Mifflin’s Scranton branch is something I’ve found myself doing more than once. You too? Good news! Now someone has done it in fully explorable, browser-friendly 3D.

You can check it out here. Built as a demo of Archilogic’s web-based architecture-viewing platform, it should work without downloads/plugins/etc.

There are a few Easter eggs hidden in there for the fans — alas, Kevin’s chili stain is nowhere to be found. Be sure to tap the foot icon to actually wander around the office (using WASD/arrow keys) as opposed to the default bird’s-eye view.

(And yeah, diehards might argue that the model isn’t perfect — but, if we’re being honest, a perfect model isn’t really possible. Beyond walls getting pushed around for the sake of the shot, things shift around a bit from season to season, and this seems to be something of a mashup across multiple seasons; you’ll find Sabre boxes around the office, but Pam’s desk that comes in around that time is nowhere to be found.)

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