Airbnb’s plan to compromise with cities as regulatory challenges pile up

Image Credits: Carl Court / Staff

Airbnb looks to be making a key strategy change with regards to its global lobbying efforts. After a failed lawsuit that made the company little progress in the state of New York, Airbnb is rallying behind an age-old political tool — the compromise.

Any good negotiation comes with table strategy. In Airbnb’s case, this takes the form of a prescriptive list of policy recommendations, as well as a firm bottom line of what the company feels is ultimately disruptive to its users, and, in many cases, the self-interest of local municipalities themselves.

Ultimately, Airbnb has limited power in stopping governments from instituting any of the following regulations, but its latest release makes it very clear what the company’s preferences are and what it sees as its responsibilities.

Where Airbnb is willing to compromise

Where Airbnb would rather not budge

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