Watch A Girl Named Isabella Unpack A New 3-D Printed Arm

At this point in the 3D-printing game it should be obvious why the tech exists and why we should all own 3D printers: because they can change lives. Nowhere is that point hammered home more than in videos featuring the E-nable arms. In this latest video a girl named Isabella gets an amazing purple and pink 3D-printed hand from a volunteer named Stephen Davies who built and delivered the arm on behalf of Team UnLimbited.

The joy in Isabella’s eyes is palpable. It’s amazing to see technology that was in its infancy even five years ago take off to such amazing heights. I post these things for a reason: Because although we pay a lot of lip service to changing the world in the theatre of entrepreneurship, a lot of people are actually doing it.

If you’d like to help kids like Isabella, head over to the E-Nable site and check out Enablecon 2015. The team wants to build 1,000 hands for needy kids, and they need your help.

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