RetroPie 3 Lets You Play Old Games On Your New Pi

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The RetroPie project has always been one of the best things about the Raspberry Pi. This software suite turns your tiny, single-board computer into a retro gaming engine and has powered such exciting projects as the CupCade. RetroPie includes all of the emulators necessary to play anything from the Atari 2600 to the Game Boy Advance.

The new version, 3.0, is available for download here it features many improvements including the use of virtual gamepads using your phone and “lots of configuration tools accessible from Emulation station including setting up WiFi, a configuration editor, file manager, audio settings and more.” They’ve also included Super Mario War as a default game.

In short the RetroPie project just got a lot cooler and it’s a great way to familiarize yourself with the Pi. While it will never beat the smell of pizza and greasy quarters at the local arcade/slice joint if you close your eyes and tilt your head just right while playing Galaxian on the RetroPie you can still hear your fifth-grade friend whining that they keep crashing in Pole Position.

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