Xbox Chief Product Officer Marc Whitten Leaves Microsoft For Sonos

Microsoft has just disclosed that Marc Whitten, Chief Product Officer for the Xbox division, will be leaving the company. His new gig? Chief Product Officer at Sonos.

Marc was a part of this division since the earliest days of the first generation Xbox. Before being bumped up to the Xbox Chief role back in January of 2007, he lead the Xbox Live team for around 2 1/2 years.

Microsoft notes that Marc’s team will now report to Terry Myerson, who, as the company’s VP of Operating Systems, already oversaw much of the Xbox team’s operations (along with those of Windows and Windows Phone)

Of course, this isn’t the Xbox team’s only notable exec departure as of late. In July, division head Don Mattrick headed for Zynga just weeks before the launch of the Xbox One, pinning him up as something of an effigy for the many pre-launch stumbles the One had early one. In January of this year, Blair Westlake, the exec responsible for securing much of the media for Xbox’s video/music services, took off as well.

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