Video Ad Company YuMe Launches “Video Reach” For Brand Advertisers

YuMe, a video ad company that went public last year, today announced the launch of a new brand called Video Reach.

Senior Vice President of Marketing Ed Haslam told me via email that, like YuMe’s Connected Audience Network, Video Reach enables programmatic buying and selling of video advertising. The difference, he said, is that Video Reach was built for agency trading desks and TV brand advertisers.

“Most programmatic solutions for video advertising today utilize traditional cookie-based targeting hence can only work in web-based environments,” Haslam said. “YuMe’s first-party data science solution transcends cookies and allows for true multi-screen targeting in app environments such as mobile, tablet and Connected TV apps, as well as web for true cross platform reach, due to its deep, multi-screen Audience Aware SDK integrations.”

The company says that buyers on its Connected Audience Network and Video Reach will have access to the same video ad inventory, but they’ll sold by different sales teams, with Video Reach’s team “specifically trained to sell to trading desks.”

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