Gillmor Gang: Turn Turn Turn

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The Gillmor Gang — Robert Scoble, Keith Teare, Kevin Marks, and Steve Gillmor — christen the maiden voyage, or shakeout cruise, of Newtek’s new TriCaster 860. The learning curve is intense, but the results are worth it. Hope you enjoy the show. Recorded in HD but not yet released in that format.

I’d be remiss if I didn’t take note of the passing of Pete Seeger, a national treasure and family friend. As a child my rot hers and I sat in thrall as he and the other Weavers played in our living room in Woodstock. My dad was a good friend of Pete, but isn’t that the way everybody who came in contact with him in his long and exhilarating life. A time to every purpose, under heaven

A time to be born, a time to die
A time to plant, a time to reap
A time to kill, a time to heal
A time to laugh, a time to weep

@stevegillmor, @scobleizer, @kteare, @kevinmarks

Produced and directed by Tina Chase Gillmor @tinagillmor

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