BlackBerry Update Adds FM Radio, Because Why Not?

Great news for the dozens of remaining BlackBerry fans. The latest platform update adds a bunch of little tweaks to your Z30, Q10, and Q5 including an FM radio. Why wasn’t the FM radio enabled from the start, you ask? Great question, friend. Let me answer with this question: Why didn’t the Playbook launch with native email support? Because BlackBerry!

At this point it’s clear that BlackBerry isn’t exactly sunk, but rather is  treading water as its boat sinks to the ocean floor.

Under new leadership, BlackBerry is quickly reorganizing to focus heavily on enterprise services. Updates to consumer products will likely quickly become a thing of the past as the company shifts engineering talent to new ventures.

Along with enabling the FM radio, update 10.2.1 also adds a new incoming call screen, picture passwords and an offline reading mode. Users can download the update here or through their phone.

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