An American Tech Company Is Advertising Its American-Built Smartphone On The Most American Holiday

Happy Independence Day, fellow Americans! It’s time to go to the lake, eat some red meat, and, of course, buy a cell phone from a good ol’ American company, Motorola and Google.

Motorola is running a full-page spread in the July 3 editions of The New York Times, USA Today, Wall Street Journal and Washington Post. And it’s all for the upcoming, and very American, Motorola X smartphone.

As the ad clearly states, this is an American phone from an American company. After all Motorola is as American as country music and type-2 diabetes.

Once upon a time Motorola stood tall as a beacon of American ingenuity and prosperity. Founded in 1928 in Illinois, the company lead the world in mobile technology for decades. Motorola put audio in cars. Motorola went to the Moon. Motorola made the cell phone.

Then came the Motorola RAZR, a clamshell phone that went on to be the best selling flip phone in history, but also marking the beginning of the end. Motorola is now an empty vestigial of its former self, existing as two entities: one within Google and another part as a telecommunications provider.

There is not much known about the upcoming Motorola X smartphone. So far several leaked pics showed a rather pedestrian smartphone with modest specs — nothing that’s anything better than products from Samsung or Apple. But hopefully, now a full year after Google scooped up Motorola’s consumer division, the two companies have slow-cooked something rather tasty.

And as someone from a dead middle America factory town, it’s amazing to watch the manufacturing come back to America.

Dell never completely left Texas. Lenovo recently set up shop in North Carolina. Apple is reopening US-based factories formerly shuttered when overseas manufacturing was in vogue. But please, I beg you, consumer electronic companies, do not make a mundane product, slap a Made In America sticker on the back and pawn it off on unsuspecting Americans. Americans and American companies can build world-class products so please do nothing less.

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