Report: iPad Mini Press Event Invitations Going Out October 10

Fortune’s Phillip Elmer-Dewitt is reporting that a source has told him invites for the iPad mini press event will go out October 10. The information comes from a “major Apple investor” who says he’s heard it from “multiple sources.” Apple has been said to be prepping for the debut of a smaller iPad with a 7.85-inch screen for a while now, and earlier reports suggested October could be when it became official.

Fortune’s source says that invites are going out on the 10th of October, which might lead to an event a week later if it keeps with tradition, putting a launch event on Oct. 17. Sales could begin within a week of that, if it follows the iPhone 5’s schedule, meaning it’ll be on shelves in time for holiday.

Some noteworthy sources have previously reported October could be the month we see the iPad mini, including well-connected Apple blogger Jim Dalrymple, who hinted Daring Fireball’s John Gruber might be right in pegging that month for a launch. Apple never comments on rumors and speculation, but we don’t have long to wait to find out if this one is true.

Note that this date also falls in line with earlier reports that suggested October 10 as the deadline for invites to go out, according to Jeffries analyst Peter Misek.

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